Aujourd'hui :
Max : 9°C / Min : 1°C

Access to the ferry terminal - Parking

Gare Maritime & Parking du Naye

Rates for the Naye park

Rates for the Naye park

To 0 from 20 min → Free

To 21 mn from 24h → 17,40 €

Per additional 24 hours →  17,40 €


Parking is not secured (parking at owners’risk)
ln case of problems use phones located at all access points (entry, exit and ticket machines)
Please park within the marked areas and follow the road markings
A cash machine is at your disposal in the Gare Maritime (Credit Cards only)
If the car park is full, other car parks are available (follow the arrows)
Lost ticket: Press the «i» button for a duplicate to be regenerated based on your date of entry (license plate number)

Saint-Malo and Cancale port offices

Saint-Malo and Cancale port offices

Ports de Saint-Malo & Cancale
Gare de la Bourse - Esplanade de la Bourse - 35400 SAINT-MALO 
Tél. : 02 99 20 51 00 - Fax : 02 99 56 61 48


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