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Easy Ride

Easy Ride

Marina in Saint-Malo


« Vauban » and « Sablons »


« Vauban » and « Sablons »

Saint-Malo has 2 marinas: the first is located in the Vauban basin under the ramparts of Intra-Muros while the second, the “Sablons”, is located in Saint-Servan in the outer port.

The choice of navigations is multiple in the Bay. Between islets, islands and forts, you can discover the archipelago of Ebihens, the island of Cézembre, the Grand Bé at the foot of the ramparts, the Fort National or the Havre de Rothéneuf, near the island Besnard.  

« Vauban » marina

Located at the northern end of the Vauban basin, the Vauban marina enjoys a quality location under the ramparts of Saint-Malo Intra-Muros, close to the Porte Saint-Vincent and the tourist office.

It offers 196 places, 20 to 25 visitor places and has the following facilities and services: water and electricity terminals, 2 walkways (including 1 PRm), 1 PRM stem, WIFI, 13 showers and sanitary facilities accessible day and night, 2 washing machines and a dryer.

The Vauban marina is managed by the CCI Ille-et-Vilaine.

Tel: 02 99 56 51 91  


« Sablons » marina

Nestled at the foot of the city of Alet, and about twenty minutes walk from the ramparts of Saint-Malo Intra-Muros, the marina of Sablons is a popular stop for boaters. It offers 1,200 places, including 50 visitors.

The marina of Sablons is managed by the city of Saint-Malo.

Tel: 02 99 81 71 34


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